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Bibliography Tumun, P.; Mek, J.; Poi, L. (2023) Coffee berry borer Infestation level survey, Marenban Plantation, 12 pages, Coffee Industry Cooperation, Goroka, EHP
Abstract / Content summary The coffee industry in PNG is a K300 million industry that has been generating on average K3 billion in FOREX over the last 10 years. 80% of this revenue is channeled into the pockets of the smallholder growers who produce up to 80% of total coffee exported. However, in February 2017, it was announced that Coffee Berry Borer (Hypothenemus hempei), the most devastating pest of coffee has been discovered in PNG. Eradication Efforts failed and CBB has spread throughout coffee growing provinces. PNG growers have to learn how to live with CBB and effectively manage the insect pest so crops are not all lost to CBB infestation. Monitoring and Evaluation of Pest Infestation Levels at coffee plots and is an important tool used to guide farmers to make correct decisions and apply correct control measures. Results collated will determine type of CBB control methods and timing of applications. This report is not a full scientific report as it is intended for non-scientists and decision makers to understand how CBB is causing devastating effects on the coffee industry in PNG. Marenban Plantation has 432 hectares of mature coffee trees with a few new planting is located near Kurumul in Jiwaka Province. The plantation is now more than 40 years old and is owned and operated by Tumbe Agriculture Industries Ltd. The objectives of the survey were; 1. Determine the Level of CBB Infestation. 2. Based on results, recommend an appropriate Integrated Pest Management Program to control CBB.
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