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Bibliography Uchiyama, T.; AhyuniI, D.; Kakuda, K.; Nonaka, K.; Sasaki, Y. ed. (2024) The role of sago in achieving the sustainable develoment goals: proceedings of the 14th International Sago Symposium, 7th July 2023 Tokyo, Japan, 90 pages, The Society of Sago Palm Studies, Tokyo, Japan, URL:
Abstract / Content summary Sago is a promising plant in 21 Century. It can grow in lowland soils of Southeast Asia and Melanesia and support the people in these areas. Sago biomass, including starch, bark, leaves and others, is useful for various purposes. Sago starch especially, whichis produced in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands and other countries, amounts to 400 thousand tons per year and is used variously for food and processed food or floured for noodle making and others. Although the sago starch has been consumed mostly in the areas producing sago starch, Japan has been importing over 20 thousand tons of sago starch every year from Malaysia and Indonesia, previously as dusting flour and recently as excellent food material for allergy relief. The 1st International Sago Symposium (ISS) was held in Kuching of Malaysia in 1976. With three to four years interval, ISS has been hosted mostly by sago producing countries. Japan hosted ISS in 1985 (SAGO –’85, Protect Mankind from Hunger, and the Earth from Devastation), 2001 (SAGO 2001, New Frontiers of Sago Palm Studies) and 2015 (SAGO 2015, The Sago SupportsHuman and Planet Welfare). The proceedings of these symposiums and a book entitled “Sago Palm: Multiple Contributions to Food Security and Sustainable Livelihoods” compiling invited papers were published with the support of the late Isao NAGATO, who encouraged our activities through his perspective. [Background, SSPS]
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Associated conference 14th International Sago Symposium
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