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Bibliography Silas, V.D.; Pomat, W.; Jorry, R.; Emori, R.; Maraga, S. et al. (2023) Household food insecurity during the Covid-19 pandemic and associated socioeconomic demographic factors in Papua New Guinea: evidence from the Comprehensive Health and Epidemiological Surveillance..., In: BMJ Global Health, Vol.8 (11), 1-12, URL:
Abstract / Content summary The outbreak of COVID- 19 pandemic in early 2020 impacted global food security, worsening the household food insecurity. The United Nations estimated that food and nutritional insecurity reached 265 million people worldwide during the COVID- 19 pandemic. New challenges to addressing food insecurity emerged due to the COVID- 19 pandemic. To control the rapid spread of COVID- 19, governments around the world imposed local lock-downs and social distancing that led to increased unemployment as well as disrupted local and international transport routes and food supply chains. While such efforts slowed or stopped the spread of the COVID-19, they also resulted in reduced incomes and increased food prices. The analysis from the global assessment of COVID- 19 impacts on the food security status in 62 low- income and middle- income countries (LMICs) showed that both financial and physical accessibility to food have been disrupted. However, little is known on the impact of COVID- 19 on household food insecurity in poor resource settings like Papua New Guinea (PNG). [From the Introduction]
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identifier | DOI: 10.1136/ bmjgh-2023-013308
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