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Bibliography Gubhaju, B.; Inu, S.; Kambanei, T.; Marlow, J.; Whyte, M.; Hitchins, R.; Towart, A. (2023) Sourcing from the last mile: the story of vanilla beans from remote regions of Papua New Guinea, Vanilla Learning Paper, 25 pages, Market Development Facility; Australian Aid, Port Moresby
Abstract / Content summary Vanilla takes a long, circuitous, sometimes dangerous path from remote regions of Papua New Guinea on foot, by small plane, by road and eventually to exporters and onto ships to international buyers. Australia’s Market Development Facility joined the journey along the supply chain to find ways to help improve access to markets and that would bring prosperity to farmers who live at the ‘last mile’. This paper reflects on the learning that occurred between 2019 and 2023 through working with Kamapim Ltd on productivity improvement and with Kamapim Ltd, MiBank (Nationwide Microbank Ltd) and GSMA (Global System Mobile Association) on financial inclusion.
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