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Item type Journal Article
Bibliography Prabhakar, A.C. (2024) Charting paths to Pacific integration: a comparative study of FIPIC and CPIDF strategies for sustainable, inclusive, and self-reliant development in Papua New Guinea, In: Review of Socio-Economic Perspectives, Vol.9 (1), 79-90, URL:
Abstract / Content summary This study presents a comprehensive comparative analysis of the integration methodologies utilized by the Forum for India-Pacific Islands Cooperation (FIPIC) and the China-Pacific Island Countries Economic Development and Cooperation Forum (CPIDF), focusing specifically on Papua New Guinea (PNG). The primary objective is to meticulously examine how these initiatives have influenced and shaped PNG's development trajectory. The analysis is structured around four core dimensions: integration approaches, objectives, achievements, and challenges. The methodology involves an exhaustive review of existing literature on FIPIC, CPIDF, and PNG's interactions with India and China, encompassing scholarly articles, reports, and official documents from government entities and international organizations. Additionally, insights from various mediums such as academic journals, newspapers, magazines, PhD theses, news agencies, YouTube, and webinars are incorporated to broaden the research scope. The paper advocates for a judicious and balanced approach to economic development, emphasizing the importance of preserving natural resources for future generations. It underscores the significance of adopting sustainable practices and policies that strike an equitable balance between present and future societal needs. Through its comprehensive analysis and recommendations, this paper aims to contribute to the ongoing discourse on sustainable development and economic cooperation in the Pacific region. PNG serves as a crucial case study, allowing for an assessment of the integration strategies, investments, and partnerships facilitated by FIPIC and CPIDF toward achieving sustainability, inclusiveness, and self-reliance goals. Keywords: FIPIC, CPIDF, Economic Integration, Social Entrepreneurship, Sustainability, Inclusiveness
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