Item type Journal Article
Bibliography Raju, R.N. (2024) A review on the impact of climate change on cocoa production in the Pacific Islands, In: Asia-Pacific Sustainable Development Journal, Vol.31 (1), 77-93, URL:
Abstract / Content summary Cocoa beans are a valuable export commodity for Pacific island Countries. Cocoa is mainly cultivated by smallholder farms operated by families. Cocoa bean exports generates income, employment opportunities and export revenue. Smallholder cocoa farmers, however, face constraints on the production quality of cocoa caused by climate change, which exacerbates the effect of pests and diseases on cocoa trees, and causes variations in weather patterns and environmental conditions. Regional collaboration on developing quality standards and infrastructure that enhances climate resilience and improves sustainability in cocoa production is, therefore, needed. Keywords: cocoa, climate change, Pacific, climate resilience, agriculture Note: Special theme: Sustainable development challenges in the Pacific small island developing States: The role of regional cooperation
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