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Bibliography Race, D.; Wettenhall , G. ed. (2024) Raising trees and livelihoods: experiences of integrating trees into smallholder farming systems, ACIAR Monograph (221), 360 pages, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research and The University of the South Pacific, Canberra, ACT, URL:
Abstract / Content summary This book aims to capture the complexity and richness of smallholder forestry and illustrate how and why it works best – for both landscapes and livelihoods. Its more than 50 authors bring a combined deep experience of smallholder forestry across Asia, Africa, Central America and the South Pacific, and share research results, key findings and their understanding of how to optimise smallholder agroforestry in the world’s tropical zone (Figure 1-2). The information presented in this book reflects the growth cycle of planted forests – species selection, tree breeding, tree establishment, management; and along the value chain – measuring and selling, harvesting and hauling, processing and manufacturing. The experience shared here by the authors highlights the challenges for anyone investing in smallholder forestry, but particularly for risk-averse smallholders with little finance, land and time in reserve if things do not go according to plan. The authors draw on their research and development expertise to blend science with the practice of smallholder forestry, accompanied by vignettes of practical examples. In so doing, they provide a holistic and realistic analysis of what works for smallholders and what the potential of agroforestry might herald if it were to become more widely adopted.
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identifier | EISSN: 1447-090X| ISBN: 978-1-923261-04-4 (PDF)
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