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Bibliography Dansie, A.; Alleway, H.K.; Böer, B. ed. (2024) The water, energy, and food security nexus in Asia and the Pacific, Water Security in a New World, 471 pages, Springer International Publishing; UNESCO, Cham, Switzerland, URL:
Abstract / Content summary In this volume ‘The Water, Energy, and Food Security Nexus in Asia and the Pacific’ an overview of the sub-region is presented, and the nexus-concept is introduced. The volume is a part of a three-volume series to examine in an integrated manner the water-energy-food nexus in the Asia and Pacific Region. It explores the socioeconomic implications of the nexus approach with a focus on cross-cutting issues, such as climate change, gender, urbanization, impacts on environment and economy, and transboundary issues. It provides new insights into nexus solutions in the region. This volume is of particular interest for Pacific Island Countries and Territories as well as small island developing states (SIDS) globally, highlighting the challenges and opportunities for SIDS.
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identifier | ISBN: 978-3-031-25463-5
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