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Bibliography Kanua, M.; Dowa, E.; Manzang, T. (2020) Supporting commercial vegetable production and marketing in Namatanai District, New Ireland Province, MDF Fresh Produce Agribusiness Partnerships Study Report, 17 pages, Market Development Facility, Port moresby
Abstract / Content summary A 3-men MDF Team visited Namatanai District between 9th – 12th December 2019 on the invitation of Namatanai Advancement Ltd (NAL) to scope its operations, supply chain, market end sales andnreturns (see itinerary in Appendix 1). Our trip coincided with the visit of the Prime Minister (PM), Rt Hon. James Marape to Namatanai and Lihir. The PM announced that his government has a policy bias towards developing the agriculture sector and has allocated significant amounts of funds to the sector in the 2020 budget. Better policies, planning and management can substantially lift the contribution of the agriculture sector to the national economy. It is time to reverse the decline in agricultural productivity. Tapping into New Ireland’s agricultural potential could lift economic growth rates, raise local incomes, increase employment and improve nutrition outcomes. With a major part of agriculture work being done by women, fresh food production and marketing have a strong component favoring empowerment of rural women. [From the Introduction]
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